My Role

Brand Designer


3 weeks


Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Miro

Every year, my Visual Communications major builds a senior exhibition to showcase the graduating class’s designs throughout their time in the program. The senior class is split into teams to focus on different aspects of the show. There’s a brand team, website team, and an exhibition team.

As a member of the brand team, we were responsible for creating a brand identity for our senior class that visually represented our personalities and attributes.


Brand Team

Brianna Ingram

Gloria Lee

Charlie Hill

As a small class of 8, we felt that our class is a tight knit group with a variety of backgrounds.

Each of our styles are so different from each other. So, we felt like going in a black & white, refined direction would let our work speak for itself.

For the name of our show, we wanted to choose a word that meant a variety of elements coming together. We originally had 3 words that were up to be voted by my classmates. Ultimately, our class agreed that Mosaic was the best word for our show.

Name Brainstorming


In a typical mosaic, there’s a variety of shapes and sizes of tile that come together to create one beautiful piece. For our VISCOM 2024 class, we’re all students that come from different backgrounds and experiences. These differences make us into one tight knit and unified class who strives to design purposely.


VISCOM 2024 Class Definition

Initial Sketches

For the initial logo sketching, my team members and I sketched different ways to portray Mosaic. We decided that the stacking was the most visually interesting.

The two sketches below was my interpretation of stacking the letters. I initially made each letter different to represent mosaics. However, it was not legible so I decided to fill them in instead with the solid color. This still made it difficult to read, which led to a challenge my group had.

After many variations of stacking the letters, Brianna created the final logo that reflected the brand we wanted to represent for our class. I also created the pattern that is later implemented into the postcard and our website.

Final Brand Guideline




Postcard design by Brianna Ingram

SPAC Gallery website banner by Gloria Lee